One Month Left.

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I arrive home in exactly one month tomorrow, and how crazy is that? It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog, but I’ve done some pretty great things with some pretty great people. Here’s some random stuff that I want you to know:

1.) I have completed my hours for my service placement and my internship, but I am continuing to attend both. I absolutely love my service placement and Citipointe youth, and it will be hard to leave the friendships that have formed.

2.) I went to see a Broncos game! In Australia there main sport is rugby, and there are three different types of rugby; league, union, and AFL. We went to a league game and got some of the best possible seats! Just in case you’re wondering, BRISSY BRONCOS TOOK THE WIN! Rugby is a TINY bit similar to football in America.. except its not a touchdown, it’s a try. There are no blockers on the field, and the game doesn’t stop except for halftime. You have to touch the ball over the end line to score. The boys don’t wear any padding. They’re all really big guys. There are only 13 players from each team on the field at one time…. Okay, maybe not so similar.

These are some of the most beautiful people I've met. After years of guarding my heart from friends who have hurt me, I have finally found genuine, beautiful, God loving friends.
These are some of the most beautiful people I’ve met. After years of guarding my heart from friends who have hurt me, I have finally found genuine, beautiful, God loving friends.

3.) I spent the day in Bulimba for one of my friends birthdays. It is the cutest little town ever with some nice shops. It was a wonderful time!

4.) I have one to-do list left, and all of the remaining school work fits onto a post it note!

5.)  Its the time of the semester where friendships are becoming deeper, which will make it harder to leave here, but the relationships are worth it. I have spent a lot of my time just hanging out with some of my friends, whether that’s going out for coffee, or doing homework together, or walking around the mall, it has been an amazing experience.

6.) I had the most amazing opportunity a few weekends ago to attend a Master’s Class on youth ministry. It was a bunch of top dog youth pastors coming together to dive into the discussion of how to grow the church. It was such an amazing learning experience that I got to attend. Dana and I catered the event so we could go for free, so not only did I learn a lot about planning events, I was able to really learn from some of the best. The information I got from that class will most certainly aid in my years of ministry to come.

7.) I walk four miles every time I go to Uni… I probably said that already.

8.) I had a baby newt in my room. It was about a half an inch when I found it, then it goes back into hiding. It’s growing very quickly! It’s about an inch and a half now… his name is Robert.

9.) Last week I had a one and a half inch cockroach crawl up my arm right before I fell asleep, but my host mom saved my life.

10.) Ice cream cones at McDonalds are 50 cents here. That’s like 45 cents in America… the only thing you’ll find cheap in Australia. Now on the other hand, a McDouble, is $4.55. < disappointing.

11.) I am really good at talking on the phone and pastoral care for my internship.
Alright, that’s all for now, please check out the pictures under the “Photographs” tab tomorrow, I will be uploading a bunch of photos from the Broncos game and other wonderful things!!! Also, check in next week sometime, cause I’m going to Sydney baybayyy! I’ll be back Sunday night, and probably write a blog post on it!

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